Thursday, March 25, 2010

25th March, 2010 It's shoe time!

Guy the farrier came to put fronts on Chancer and Petra. His little dog, Oliver, is endlessly entertaining. He keeps fetching sticks for Chancer to throw and can't understand why he doesn't co-operate.
Dawn and I took Davy out for another long walk today on an entirely new route to see how he would respond. He was great for most of the walk and took it in his stride. It was good to see him making his own way through mud and water rather than seeing Dawn as an exit route every time. On the way home he did get distracted when we went on to more open land where there were lots of wild ponies and some people. It is going to be a case of expanding his comfort zones bit by bit so that eventually he is able to be ridden in all sorts of environments too.