Tuesday, August 14, 2012

14th August, 2012 Julie's birthday

Had a Winnie the Pooh and Piglet moment yesterday when I forgot to take Julie's birthday card with me and couldn't even give her a deflated balloon in a honey pot. This is what it would have looked like. Instead though we had a glorious ride through the Forest on Theoden, and Petra, who has yet again come out of retirement. Lunch then at the Royal Oak before taking Jack out for a walk, run, walk in the pouring rain. We decided to test his hide and seek ability again but, having failed dismally, resorted to shaping his behaviour by half exposing ourselves (is that allowed?) so that he could catch a glimpse of us, slide to a halt, and come trotting over. Very silly but great fun. All work rained off later which was a good job as I had to collect David from Crescent motorcycles where he has abandoned his motorbike which has a MAJOR problem but a bad job because it means we have less money to pay for its repair.