Friday, October 4, 2013

4th October, 2013 The Tia

I crossed borders today from Hampshire to Dorset and from Portugal to Spain. PRE, Tia, was ready for her second and third sessions of training with desensitisation before lunch and preparation for long-reining after. She took both completely in her stride and once she had accepted that it was perfectly okay to allow the feather duster to touch her foot, everything else was easy especially if she was allowed to carry on eating. I rarely put a tarpaulin over a horse until I am absolutely certain they will do more than cope with it. Tia just couldn't care less.

"Sarah is great to work with, has a real rapport with horses and transformed the way my young horse leads in half a hour flat – the rest of the time she took in transforming me – I’m slower than Tia!  In our second session we spent our time on desensitising and starting long lining.  We have made immense progress that we would not have managed without Sarah" JL (Evaluation form for IH)