Thursday, December 18, 2014

18th December, 2014 Brandee Snap :-(

I was called out to catch Brandee for the farrier. She has been having the occasional off day about being caught now that it is winter and a bit windier.

We're still at the assessment stage with Beau as we take her through the various stages before re-starting her. Yesterday we loaned the round pen at the equestrian centre. She was joined up from the outset without any need to do a Join Up and happy to follow me of Kimberley around the pen.

She objected strongly to being asked to go off on a circle, perhaps a reaction to some mindless lunging that she has had in the past.

Connected again she worked extremely calmly and nicely despite horses being worked in the school next door. Here is one of the preparation exercises for long reining - working on a single line in a driving position.

Here I am assessing her reaction to the line going behind her - I'm being fairly cagey as she has been inclined to kick.

Setting off on the long reins and all is well.

Long-lining in tandem, then Kimberley can take over from me. Note how Kim is being careful about my kick zone!