Sunday, July 3, 2022

Under a Bigger Sky


All being well, those with the short ears in this five acre field will be moving to the conservation reserve next Saturday. Jack, Nelly and Blue will be travelling first class in a brand new horsebox with is normally used to transport the poshest Arabians, and Patsy and Pie will be moved in our once stolen but now recovered stock trailer which has been washed and checked over ready for the occasion. 

I imagine that all of my photos for a while will be of ponies eating their heads off. I have to hope that the winter will begin to regulate their bodies again although there is plenty for them to get at above the height of any snow which might fall. The first year will probably put them back on a more natural track. 

Patsy (formerly known as orange girl) will enjoy her freedom again. I did promise her previous owner that she would have a semi-feral life into her old age and she should be in her element once she gets there. 

Born on the Welsh Mountains, Pie is already well-travelled and he will be happy to live out his life with his girlfriend.

My next job is to pack their suitcases and make sure they have all got a clean hanky.