Tuesday, September 22, 2009

22nd September, 2009 Me and Miss Jones

Tamie has been coming along to my demos for a couple of years now and has been unfailingly helpful and cheerful. I had taken to calling her Tamie Why-not because she always seems so positive. It was great to be able to go out today and work with her and her new (first) pony, Oliver. It seems that all that watching and listening that she has done has paid off as much of the groundwork is instinctive to her. Here you can see her demonstrating not just a smile, but a smile in the line and her pony right by her side.

E-mail "Thank you so much for coming out and seeing Oliver and me. I was so surprised how he took it all in his stride and amazed that he CAN stand still !! I'm am so grateful for your guidance and advice and to be told that im on the right track. The world is our oyster. He is such a little darling and is transformed from when he first arrived but with hours of grooming and having our daily chats we seem to be getting somewhere with visable results. The IH way is the way for us in our long and happy journey. Who would have though little old me (who has waited patiently for this experience for nearly 15 years) would be shivering after coming in from the cold after spending hours at the yard. I'm currently on cloud nine and am so proud of him and glad to have him."