Saturday, September 26, 2009

26th September, 2009 Quick, quick, slow

Just a quick blog for the weekend. Today a seven hour clinic for seven people and seven horses. This is Summer demonstrating the three methods of desensitisation with three different people. As she can be a very spooky pony, I thought she did fantastically.

"A big thank you for a great day. I hope that everybody enjoyed it and learnt from it, I certainly did. It would be nice to give it another go sometime. It’s invaluable experience for us and the ponies to switch handlers don’t you think? " ME 27.9.09

"Thank you so much for the photos, the girls will be thrilled, they thoroughly enjoyed their day... needless to say, that M then set about building poles and tarpaulins and Remy had some work to do before supper!" KWC 27.9.09