Wednesday, January 20, 2010

19th January, 2010 Shaping Up

Last night I gave a talk to the Wessex Classical Riding Group about our trip to Kenya and Tanzania. It brought back memories of not only the physical warmth but the general human warmth with which were met by everyone we worked with there. Considering that I used to be a Court Clerk and accustomed to speaking, completely ad lib to people from all walks of life, I still find public speaking a little unnerving. Once the "on" switch was on last night, I talked for one and half hours and I'm not sure I breathed throughout that time! I think I probably just need to do more of it. "Just wanted to tell you, again, how brilliant your talk was this evening. Even though you didn't have a horse under your arm just reliving the whole experience must have helped you to be in pony mode. You are a natural..." Sheila

I got back to work proper with Jack yesterday although it doesn't feel like work at all. I can lift him up from his grazing by just saying "Jack, Jack" and showing him the headcollar. He then walks over to me and follows me into the top paddock. Headcollar on in the normal way with just a couple of "intermediate bridge" clicks and then I was able to groom him all over - except his tail which he still says is private - and then handled and pick up his feet. The feet picking up is still a bit tentative but considering it is months since I last tried, he has forgotten nothing. I then did some clickered desensitisation work with a long lead rein which he is still worried about but getting better all the time. I am hoping to use him as one of the ponies on the Equine Touch course so I need him to relax even more by then.