Wednesday, July 13, 2011

13th July, 2011 Ain't nobody here but us chickens...

Latest news from LF about her chicken phobic pony....

Just wanted to give you an update on our chicken training. Had a real breakthrough today and can't wait to tell you. We went out for a ride as usual and when we came back to the yard the chickens were out and I had an 'oh no!' moment and then thought, no you can do this together. I walked her up to her tying hitch and asked Pat to get me the Dually headcollar as I thought I need to keep control and not ruin the progress we made already. So I did deep breaths, said nothing and untacked her. Still she coped no real panic so she was to washed off, and given her feed which she ate with them in plain sight. One even decided to have a dust bath right near her!