Evie loads into a trailer really well and seems to have no concerns about the bars going up and the ramp. However, she does not like being backed out again. There is always the option of the front ramp but sensibly her owner wants to keep all options available.
Left to her own devices, Evie refuses to go backwards at all and when asked to do so turns her head (understandably) to look where she is going and therefore end up crooked on the ramp and more likely to fall off the edges at the side. Her worry becomes self-fulfilling as she doesn't like the sudden drop.
Asked to trust her owner and let her take over the steering, she says that isn't possible and threatens her with her teeth.
However, when Lorraine does take over the steering, using Evie's head and neck as a rudder, Evie is much straighter and only has the little lip at the bottom of the ramp to negotiate. It doesn't take long for her to realise that in fact she can trust Lorraine with her feet. It's early days but it shouldn't be too long before Evie realises that she is in very safe hands indeed.
At last we have found her favourite rubbing spot since she's not all that pleased to be touched at all. She's having all of the physical support that she needs and they are getting to the root of her defensiveness.