Wednesday, January 7, 2015

7th January, 2015 Popular People

We enjoyed having several visitors to the fields this morning and we always put them to good use.

Barbara did the poo-picking

Auriol did the Petra petting

and Gracie May did the pinky posing.

Barbara is Tracey's friend, and now mine, and though she is battles with MS likes to be outside as much as possible. We're all going to Kenya later in the year and counting the days already!

Auriol used to do quite a bit of work with me a few years ago and, then at the age of 76, helped with the fields and the horses. She once took me to hospital when I was thrown off a Fell pony and was in absolute agony. En route I had activated my mobile phone and inadvertently rung David and all he could hear was me moaning and groaning.

Gracie May, who is a dear little thing, is Tracey's granddaughter. We need to get her in to ponies quickly!