Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Wanderings of Agent M

M went to find the ponies at Hook yesterday (Friday), the only day when we don't have an official Looker from the Trust. She generally gives me a long report on how they are looking and always sends me photographs. March is definitely stretching the ponies' endurance and patience - and mine - but it shouldn't be long before the green grass comes through. At twenty-six, this will definitely be Jack's last full winter on the reserve, and having said that I would never separate them, I think his reign as 'herd stallion' will be over. He can go home to the luxury of three sections of hay everyday. He'll have his boring male friends and Henrietta to retire with.

I am so glad that he has had this chance to live out again, having not been de-pastured onto the New Forest since he was a foal. He has been very solid and sensible as a herd leader although we all know that it is really Nelly who is in charge.

Speaking of which, she is looking extremely well for this end of the winter and I am really pleased that she has not been pestering people for food. 

Patsy has had a surprisingly challenging winter considering that she has lived out all of her life. Unlike the others, and because she is entirely wild, she has never had her teeth done. 

Blue looks really well. She's a champion browser and at twenty-one, the same as the other girls, she will withstand the changing conditions at the reserve.