Thursday, November 2, 2023

Rain macs

As part of my recovery after my shoulder surgery, I was lucky enough to go to Kenya for three weeks to stay in a beautiful house with a swimming pool. Not only was I able to go out on safari for many hours every day, I could swim in the pool, practise my Swahili, and talk to my friends. Pictures to follow.

Meanwhile, David and Nathalie were in charge of the horses, and they skilfully transitioned to them to taking their boots off and extending their grazing, from soaked hay to unsoaked hay. Jack, has been taking his Prascend easily, and the horses' feeds have been supplemented to help to thicken up their soles. And all the time it rained and rained and rained, making poo-picking, even with an electric wheelbarrow, very hard work. It also rained in Laikipia but this was the cause of celebration not despair.

All in all it has taken five months to fathom our way out of what was a very mild bout of laminitis and Theoden in particular began to look haggard and miserable towards the end. I have booked him in for some body work - along with Dave - but also made the firm decision that I will not sentence him to a life of restriction and no grass. With that in mind, we chucked the whole jolly lot into the winter field two days ago, purchased two rugs for Theoden and Dave ready for Storm Ciaron, and watched to see what the results would be. We will work out next year, next year.