Saturday, January 22, 2011

22nd January, 2011 I'm a Fell Pony Get Me Out of Here!

This morning Julie and I went out to a little herd of Fell ponies near Wimborne to work with a couple of them. Both were really expressive about everything they felt. The first, was really bold and quite strong and took matters into his own hooves whenever he felt that the people around him needed leadership. Just a little groundwork for him and rewarding him with lovely rubs in places he had pointed out earlier. The other pony was born on the Cumbrian Fells and had had his right ear notched when he was a foal (now illegal). As a result he is still worried all these years later about strangers. Although he is ridden, he reacts badly if walkers pass him on both sides at once. The first time Julie and I simulated this scenario, he grew a couple of hands, tensed up and cocked a running foot on his left hand hind leg. At the end of the session he was standing calmly while Julie and I did a very slow jog either side of him. This is going to need some more work though if he is to accept people who are entirely new and we are thinking we might set up a social event at their field where people will wear hiz viz, garish clothing and peculiar rucksacks and headgear. The good news is that he is only frightened of people and not of new and novel things.
E-mail from MB and AB: "Thanks for the session this morning and for sending on reports, factsheets and photos (which have been much admired already - a big thank you to Julie too). You've given us plenty of things to play around with for all of them - perfectly mannered ponies (and owners) here we come! (Though I think Bond is in shock he can't have his own way any more!)"