Saturday, October 20, 2012

20th October, 2012 Silver Moon in Fritham?

 With fog across the Forest this morning there was an air of excitement. Was it the arrival of the Animal Rescue Team or the two Percherons, Silver and Moon, who had all come for a training course based around the horse agility obstacles?

 First catch your horse and then do some desensitisation work. Establish that you are friend not foe....

and don't worry about the British flag on a French horse. Moon is a four year old, bought in France as a yearling.

She took it all in her stride as did Fire Officer James. Other Firemen and horses were available! Petra shows the long route over the bridge and Indiana inspects the tarpaulin.

Afterwards there was just time to take Jack out for a walk with the volunteers Cat and Laura who, along with lovely Jenny and Lindy, helped all morning. I was extremely grateful to them and to Michelle and Simon for bringing their beautiful horses over.