Wednesday, February 19, 2014

18th February, 2014 Going to Bed with an Astronaut

I am probably light years behind the rest of the world but I have enjoyed going to the International Space Station for the last few nights with Canadian Astronaut, Chris Hadfield. His Guide to Life on Earth is entertaining and by definition provides the biggest perspective on life. Astronauts have to absorb everything from education to emotions in order to be able to survive literally and metaphorically.

I'll leave you to read it if you haven't already but the light-bulb moments for me were his determination to "sweat the small stuff" because that's what keeps him safe, To be a zero rather than a plus or minus one - in other words to be a giver not a taker but not to go where you are not wanted (yet!).

And here's some YouTube clips

Space Oddity - now reaching 22 million viewings!

Chris Hadfield Best Bits