Monday, October 31, 2022



As an anti-fireworks protester, I would rather see fireworks banned altogether but have to concede that it is preferable for people to attend an organised display on bonfire night itself rather than people setting off their own fireworks at home for what has become an extended (and illegal) period of time around 5th November. I have a file of photos of rabbits, cats, dogs, cattle and horses that have either died of fright or escaped and then being killed because of fireworks. One of our own foals died as a result of a broken back after fireworks were let off nearby; I will never forget finding her and her having to be put down.

Whilst animals that live indoors can be contained and pacified to the best of someone's ability, it is completely impractical for farmers and horse owners to move their animals, often at a day's notice, to somewhere else, and putting them indoors, or sedating them, can lead to other injuries if they get into a panic. I really don't understand how anyone who owns any animals can support the use of fireworks. 

I am absolutely delighted that a complaint in the Hook area has been taken seriously by the School Parent Teachers Association regarding their display which is only a mile from the Hook Reserves. Apparently last year the display was incredibly loud and prolonged. They have promised not to have any 'large bang' fireworks.