Thursday, January 24, 2013

24th January, 2013 Test Card

Here is the equivalent of the Test Card, pictures of ponies eating hay! Most of my appointments recently have been postponed due to the weather. I'm so glad that I don't have a stable yard with a queue of horses in needing to be worked! Although I do have overheads, they are limited and I'm not obliged to work whatever the weather. The horses are all pretty low maintenance although they're eating a massive quantity of hay each day. I'm also feeding a dozen ponies out on the Forest including my own three.

Lovely Nelly-Noo sharing her pile of hay with one of the Forest youngsters.

Pie's girlfriend, Orange Girl and Pie himself. Pie is convinced that he is invisible in the snow and insists on neighing his head off when I arrive just to make sure that I know he is there. It brings in other ponies from far and wide and costs me a fortune!