Saturday, May 30, 2015

30th May, 2015 Lazy Days

Yesterday we got soaked and then we got cancelled just before the weather cheered up completely. Hopefully we'll be able to go ahead with that appointment on Monday as there are not may days left until we disappear to Kenya. We've had to resist wrapping ourselves up in cotton wool as the countdown has reduced to under a month. I'd hate anything to get in the way this year like it did last year when I had a broken rib just before we were due to go. There will be a dearth of posts and a testcard before we go away. For once I can't delegate to Tracey as she is coming with me.

Nettles had a good stretch after getting out of bed this morning and we were very pleased to have a grand reunion with Julie who has been out of action for a good couple of months thanks to a severed Achilles tendon. She's still a tiny bit limpy but coming sound slowly.

Out in the inclosure we met a group of walkers. I'm always surprised that no-one seems to bat an eyelid at the fact that out horses come out for a walk with us. We just explained that they are really Labradors.

Once the coast was clear Tracey took them to the bottom of their favourite track so that they could gallop back.

Jack needed to catch up on some sleep by the end of the walk.

Men have strange tastes in things. David had a green beer at the Royal Oak, some kind of pale ale which looked like Fairy Liquid. Theoden just loves neat Corsodyl.

Finishing with some softening work with Bella who will start to carry a bit once we get back from holiday. Her lower incisors are still coming through so we're in no hurry to give her anything else to think about in her mouth.

The busiest creatures at the yard are a pair of blue tits whose offspring are hidden in the wall of the Nissen Hut.