Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Bounty Hunters

For a while I ran another blog called Loisaba Life about the Loisaba Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, a place we have visited a few times, first of all for work and then for holidays. It contained pictures and stories about the everyday life of the staff who work there, and the domestic and wild animals that they meet - sometimes there is a crossover between the latter as orphans are hand-reared and attempts are made to reintegrate them with their wild and wider families. The archives are still available at Loisaba Life

One such was Bounty, a Grevy's zebra, a species which is endangered. He was mainly raised by Joseph and grew to love him, following him about everywhere and allowing him to handle him more than anyone else. Joseph, who was very tender with him and took him out on walks, shadowing any wild Grevy's zebra that were nearby. In the wild, male zebras like Bounty would tend to wander around and make the most of any encounters they had with females. The females on the other hand are in smaller groups and sometimes hook up with a male Common zebra and his band of mares. Sadly the two species are able to inter-breed and this is another threat to the pure Grevy's zebra. 

Inevitably Bounty has matured into a fit, strong, stallion and the time came when it was no longer safe for him to spend his time at the stables. He now lives at the cattle boma where Joseph visits him when he can. I hope to be able to keep you updated and that I will see him and Joseph on my next trip.