Friday, November 30, 2012

30th November, 2012 HorseWorld

Theoden and I have just come back from five days away at HorseWorld which was a bit of a Busman's Holiday for both of us. I encouraged Theoden to have a go at everything while he was there and he also helped out during the sessions. He was long reined by the staff from the Visitors' Centre and ridden by members of the Welfare Team as well as trying out the horse walker and having breakfast every day with Dominic the Pig.

He wasn't at all sure about approaching Dominic until I suggested that maybe they'd like to share a meal. 

A visit to the Visitors' Centre - where Theoden met another pig called Janey, some goats and donkeys. 

Walk, trot and canter with Caitlin, Charlotte, Sarah and Kayleigh.

Theoden's two tricks - don't try these at home. Lean on Me! and one I haven't thought of a name for yet.

 In the meantime I appear to be able to levitate....