Saturday, November 23, 2013

23rd November, 2013 Two Go On Tour

Little Lark has graduated to foot handling and leading and has just one week to go before she goes home. Despite being a very shy foal she has made significant progress every single day without being pushed (or pulled).

Tracey's horse, Bella, is also making great strides, quite literally and has the makings of an eventer if today is anything to judge by. We took her out on the confidence walk and she gave everything a go first time.

She can also do 'dressage ears' when faced with the possibility of a troll under the bridge...

Or 'showing ears' when faced with the huge Mommy pig. Bella hasn't had the luxury of meeting all the piglets in her home environment so showed a lot of courage to stay around to look at this one.

Bella and Indiana are the same age and both Forest-bred. Bella's back reaches the second rail down on the drift pen whereas Indiana only comes up to the third one. With her wrecked tail (thanks to Nettles) she only looks like a yearling.

I think we wore them out....