Saturday, May 6, 2017

6th May, 2017 Show of Hands

Two weeks since I saw Leo and Melissa has done all of her homework. Here we are conferring over plans for today and plans for the future...

Leo was quite nervous about long reining over a pole so we moved it nearer to the arena fence and asked Chris to walk over with him. Leo was inclined to rush after touching it with his feet but introducing clickered treats helped him to give it another go.

He seems to enjoy being long-reined around the wooded garden...

...and the group of observers helped by throwing some shapes so that he could get used to them.

More leaning over to finish and Melissa is getting up to more of a height over him.

Leo is wearing the best breast plate I have ever seen or used for this type of work. It's made by Rhinegold and is ideal for saddles and surcingles on starters. Link: Rhinegold Breastplate

Still no foal although Nelly gets wider by the minute.

A consolidation session with Moon...

...ending with asking her to just look at a hand which she finds very difficult. Who knows what they have done to her before for her to be so reactive.

Still, she was in no hurry to leave at the end of the session.