Friday, February 10, 2023

Since You've Been Gone

Friends at Loisaba not only teach me Kiswahili by Whatsapp, they send me pictures and bits of news from Laikipia. Known by many as 'the one and only' -  researcher, Ambrose Letoluia, has captured this beautiful picture of the melanistic leopardess. I'm awaiting important news to see whether he will be studying at a British university soon.

and one of a 'normal' leopard. These were both taken at the Mpala Research Centre which is next door to Loisaba. 

In the meantime, the drought continues to take its toll on the wildlife and this young baby Eland was left orphaned and will now be brought up at Loisaba. She is called Boudicca and providing that she survives her first few months, she should rehabilitate well on the conservancy. 

Today she has been exploring the unfenced part of the garden, requiring Jo to be her babysitter!