Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Bananarama Pride

The evening trip to Sabuk was one that I was not one I was going to miss. Seven years ago I had a romantic encounter with a statuesque camel I called George when I went for a camel safari at Sabuk when it was a separate conservancy. I learned that if you are kind to a camel, they will be kind back and I shall never forget that feeling when George chose to leave his companions and came and find me for a friendly rub. The scenery is outstanding, a high sided valley with a rumbling river with sand banks at an elbow turn.

Sabuk now belongs to Oryx, the trustees of Loisaba and so guests may pass from one to the other simply by crossing the community road. The gatekeeper didn't have much to say.

When giraffe all point in the same direction, then you know that something is afoot. In this case a pride of three lionesses moving around the waterhole.

Apparently this pride of three has become known as the Bananarama Pride!