Sunday, December 11, 2022

Heading in the Right Direction

Ruth is continuing to make small but significant progress with Prince and sometimes in unexpected directions. Lately, whenever the other horse and ponies have been taken out of his field, staff at the school where he lives, have let him out onto the trackway which leads up to the yard so that he doesn't have to be alone. On this particular day, he followed them all the way up to the covered yard where the farrier was attending to some ponies and had four dogs loose and running around.

Despite these noisy activities, Prince was happy to stand close by, munching on the hay and minding his own business. 

Best of all, when it came time for him to go back, he followed another pony, and Ruth with her clickered treats, all the way back to the field some distance away and only hesitated a little to go through the gateway. I'm wondering if he can be persuaded with a hard feed to enter one of the pen-like stables which are under cover with the door left open at first until he gains confidence and then see where Ruth can go from there.