Sunday, April 30, 2023

Beginning to Sparkle a Bit

 Nelly, Blue and Jack are beginning to shine again and have put on a little, but not enough, weight. 

Patsy has gone just two fields away to live with Pie - they were always boyfriend and girlfriend on the Forest. 

All of them are being fed twice a day, with a big pile of hay to go to bed with. It's a combination of soaked food with a cereal topping. They're all really enjoying it. 

I am hoping that having each other for company, and a change of fields over time, their lives will be enriched and I help out by casting a few barley rings about and taking them for walks. Nelly, Jack and Henrietta were first and Jack and Henrietta went a bit barmy once they were let off for a few minutes. Meanwhile Nelly performed a few 'airs above the ground' on the end of the lead rein.