Tuesday, April 22, 2014

22nd April, 2014 Stop the PIgeon

Southbound this morning to catch Brandee for the farrier since I seem to be the only one who can do it on days when there's a little more tension around. When I got there all the miniatures were lined up waiting for his arrival.

Save for these, every other pony I have worked with today has been dark bay but they are all very different.

Once Brandee is persuaded to stay in her favourite corner (she comes at you like a bulldozer until then), the routine is the same as it has ever been. Even all these years later she still shakes when she is first approached.

Scarf on, headcollar moving up the neck, click and treat...

all done and time for a little groom by hand until Luke comes over...

Luke is extremely calm and gentle with her and she stands better than she has ever done while he trims her feet. She used to lie down on the last farrier.

Why 'Stop the Pigeon'? Because if a raindrop falls on the floor, or a pigeon flaps in the trees, it causes Brandee to flap too. She is that sensitive to noise.

Back at Fritham Kitty May went through the preparation exercises for long reining including checking how she feels about me being in the driving position; and

turning into a pressure and away from me with the line in contact with her hindquarters as she goes;

and then we're off.

A few strides around the yard to finish....

Whoops, I seem to have backed Indy too. With some help from Kitty May. I have one foot on the rail and one hand on the post in case I need to get off quickly but I do have all of my weight on her back.

Tracey, who ran her first five miler this morning with me, asking Bella to do the running instead.