Saturday, August 25, 2012

25th August, 2012 S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g exercises

A visit from the physiotherapist can have many benefits for a horse but occasionally there are side effects. Carrot stretches, often recommended by physios in order to address soreness and stiffness, can turn some horses into muggers in about 10 minutes flat. This can be avoided if you use clickered stretches and ask the horse to touch a target in exchange for a click and a treat. Later you can use the click as an intermediate bridge and have a terminal signal for when  the task is completed. This means that a stretch can be maintained for a few seconds at a time. It;s important to shape the behaviour that you want so that the horse is only mentally and physically stretched in incremental stages. In that way the important association between the desired behaviour, the click and the treat are maintained and the horse won't find the exercises so physically taxing that he is put off or put into conflict.