Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hearts and bones

Many long-term readers may remember that a few years ago, David put together the skeleton of a pony that had been found, long dead, in a hidden part of the Forest. We named her Honour and she eventually made her way to The Barn Equine Surgery where she is used to educate students and to show owners where injections procedures are being carried out. A while ago we were told about another skeleton and this came home with us to be cleaned up using techniques we'd read about in on a Canadian website about moose!

This one, which we have called Heshima, Swahili for 'respect', is only missing one scapula and poses a greater challenge to David who has to work out where all of the delicate toe bones go. Today he has made a start with this skeleton, putting together the back bones (which need to be turned into the right position) and ribs. 

This one will be going The Barn to replace Honour and hopefully she will be going to somewhere else where she can be educational. 

The 'wrist' bones of the horse (fetlock to you).

This book and David's engineering bent, have been invaluable to this project.