Thursday, March 2, 2023

Prince Charming

Ruth continues to make positive progress with Prince. She has sent me videos of him wearing his headcollar and being groomed entirely loose. Both of these things are a fantastic achievement with a pony that has long established his independence. 

The picture above shows him without all the lugs out of his mane and this was achieved after a light coating of baby oil had been put into the parts that wouldn't fall into his eyes. 

This video shows the most marvellous trust between Ruth and Prince. Yes, he is fishing for treats, but Ruth doesn't hand them out like sweeties. She's using very gentle and yet deep touch and not being too efficient. Prince allows this to happen down both sides of his body.

And this is fun. following Ruth around the indoor school and even walking over poles. 

The beginning of hoof handling - I have suggested that feathers should not be used as a handle for picking up but it does show just how tolerant he has become.