One of my clients was sold this tailor made saddle for her pony by an well known independent saddle fitter. Now, I am not a saddle fitter but I hope that I can recognise when a saddle doesn't fit and I said so in my report. The owner contacted Wow who manufactured the saddle and they put her in touch with their representative saddle fitter who has fortunately put things right and only charged for a visit. I have at least one friend at Wow now because the lady there said: "The saddle should not be sitting as your photos show and I think your instructor was very, very restrained in her comments - please tell her so as it unusual!". I have never been described as restrained before although these days I do try to say things like "in an ideal world" and "if this was my horse I would...." at the beginning of my sentences.
Other reviews have come in this month:
Hi sarah just to let you know that Amani is doing really well after all your work with her and I have been able to give her a little groom and comb her mane.
RS 30.5.08 (untouched Arabian filly). She has since clipped her for showing!
Hello! Had another go with the LL (long lining) and Suze was fab. I just did the turning round thing with one line with both Freddie and Fern. She jumped the first time (only a teeny weeny one) and is now absolutely fine. I can't thank you enough for putting up with us! I really feel we have all learned something and Fern was so relax about it all - I had to go and cry (again). As usual it was lovely to see you and Julie of course. I hope you will come again in the summer holidays to get Fern on the LL - I would not be happy doing it without you doing it first! Meanwhile I shall practise on Suze - good job she's just such a lovely natured dolly! I think she was actually enjoying it yesterday, I felt a real spring in her step as we went in and out the dusty bluebells - it was a real joy - thank you from both of us.
LBP 30.5.08
I must say a big thank you to you both for all your help and encouragement with S-pony on Saturday. I am in a much more positive mood and I am actually looking forward to working with him in the future. We will take all that you say on board and I hope that when we next meet we may be really making progress.
CH 2.6.08
Thanks very much for your visit today, it was very interesting and Diva wasn't the only one learning! I did more practice later on and she was fantastic. Sounds daft but it's amazing how changing little things and being more aware about body language can change a horse so much.
AS 5.6.08
After an enormous up while you were with us and an enormous down overnight things have levelled out and last night he was a star! I even got on with no-one else around (several times as it happens of course!). I kept the dually halter on and when I had to get off did a quick bit of leading and stuff and then got back on again. Even surviving an attack by a white bucket!
VB 6.6.08
Anyone experiencing difficulties or needing to go back to basics with their best friend, will not be disappointed. Treat yourself and your horse to the kinder, better way of working side by side. Everyone’s a winner.
AMc 11.6.08 Evaluation form
Many thanks for your help on Monday night. We have now taken 35 steps down the lane without any napping at all – apart from a very minor protest just after the gate. They have been forward going, no sign of napping, steps. I will keep going. I wonder how many steps there are on the lane!!
AP 11.6.08
And then......
Success already.
Thursday evening we got to the bend, and Maddy napped but I got 50 good paces before we turned around. Then Friday evening I counted to 150 and she was still going nicely, I concentrated on relaxing her head and my arms and kept on going. I could tell she was going to do it, I think the sticking point was the bend. We had a lovely hack around the woods, with no rushing or pulling to get home. She did nap in the woods and I did something you might make a face at – I hit myself on the back with my stick (wearing a body protector) which was noisy and sent her forwards.
Thank you so much. I had planned to get her down the lane by the school summer holidays and in fact we made it by the weekend.
AP 15.6.08
(I wouldn't have pulled a face at all. I always tell client that in Intelligent Horsemanship it's okay to hit yourself but never the horse!!)
Thanks so much for getting this (report) to me so quickly. Thanks too, again, for everything you did for us this weekend -- it was fantastic to finally be stand quietly in a stable with Graylie rubbing his shoulder, and to put his headcollar on with no fuss at all, like a proper grown-up pony. I'm thrilled at the progress he made under your careful tutelage.
NB 15.6.08