Sunday, November 13, 2022

A Reflective Day

Very sadly, David's Mum passed away in the early morning of Saturday. Joyce was 94 and one of those non-interfering mother-in-laws that everyone would wish for. Sadly, she had Alzheimer's which only developed in her last few years but meant that we didn't mention her husband, Roy, who passed away in May, unless she did, and we didn't have a funeral for him. Now David and his siblings need to arrange a funeral which is fitting for the two of them. Things like this stop the clock for a little while and David is in a world of his own, his mind somewhere with his Mum while his body goes through the motions. I'm feeling very sad for him. 

Just a week ago we asked Megan from Linking Hearts Therapy Horses to bring Mr Kellogg's a Miniature Horse to the home where David's Mum spent her last six months. She was 'end of life' care by then, a euphemism for being kept comfortable, and little Kellogg's had to be taken upstairs in the lift. David's Mum was very sleepy but aware that he was there. 

Meanwhile the Lookers, C and E, and Agent M had been to check my ponies who appeared to be having a little prayer meeting around the water trough. I hope there is a heaven for all the good souls together.