Yesterday it was off to Oserian to meet Katie and her two grooms Geoffrey and Joseph and to look at two of the horses, Celtic and Beacon. Once again saddle fit was high on the agenda and we also looked at leadership and long reining. Beacon has an interesting skin complaint, similar to sarcoids and whilst one vet has said that it was incurable, another has suggested that aloe vera and avocado oil might help. So far so good as the number of lesions are reducing dramatically.
Afterwards we went for lunch at Chui Lodge which is very impressive and the food was absolutely gorgeous. We were then very privileged to be allowed into the rhino sanctuary, some 25,000 acres of bush land entirely dedicated to conserving the wildlife and especially the rhino. From 6 in 1997, they now have an extended family of 16.
This morning it was back to Sanctuary Farm to work with more Ethiopian ponies including one called (somewhat inevitably) Spotty, and to do some desensitisation work.