I shall try to add a bit from Kenya whenever I can get near a computer - if only let my Mum know I am still alive!
In the meantime, if you have a horse emergency then please contact one of the Recommended Associates listed on the Intelligent Horsemanship website at www.intelligenthorsemanship.co.uk or ring the office on 01488 71300
Unsigned copies of No Fear, No Force are available from the British Horse Society website under books and on the New Forest Equine Directory under Gift Shop. If you would like a signed copy of the book then I shall be back on 31st July and should be able to send one out then.
I received a lovely letter from Hazel this morning:
"I also mentioned that I have a Welsh x fell mare, Tilly, who has unfortunately had a very traumatic past before I bought her last September, and who consequently is extremely nervous, especially about having her head handled. Well I have been using your scarf method with her to try and get her used to things around her head and ears and I am pleased to report that she has responded well so far. She is certianly a lot easier to get a headcollar on after working with the scarf. She is of course still very wary when I do go to put the headcollar on, but the best bit is that for the first time ever, I have been able to touch her ears without her going into a major panic.....so although Tilly is actually 12 years old, your foal handling methods are coming in extremely helpful with her.
Your book in itself is a lovely book and one I woudl highly recommend to anyone who has an interest in horses, and for me and Tilly it is also a really useful book too."
Enclosed with the letter was a photograph of Tilly snuggled up to Hazel "A photo I never thought I would see - I'm actually managing to give Till a hug without her panicking"