The more I see here, the more I like. Jo has a quiet, relaxed, casual attitude around her horses which makes it easy for them to become the same. The syces are also very quiet and gentle and indeed affectionate to the horses and they must think that they have died and gone to heaven. They are groomed every day and washed down so that they receive some relief from the heat and the insects. Save for the latest arrivals, they are all good and sensible weight. Although some of them are ridden by tourists, they are treated with respect; ridden with a loose rein and not galloped around.
The Ethiopian ponies were in a very poor state when they arrived. One was actually eaten by hyenas en route. They were covered in ticks which when they were removed took lumps of hair off them. All have recently received a clean bill of health and are well on their way to recovery. Blackie, one of the older ones is now being ridden and this morning we took turns to long rein him in the boma. The little filly I have been working with allowed us to touch all of her left hand side last night and then allowed herself to be caught in the yard this morning. She is already leading very well - foot handling for her tonight.
Last night we were treated to a visit from a genet, an exquisite cat like creature with gorgeous markings and this morning we met a pride of lions on the way back from the farm. I promise to get some photos on here as soon as I can.