Thursday, September 3, 2009

3rd September, 2009 Confessions

Last day at the hospital today and I have to confess that it has been great fun. Yesterday I learned how to play volleyball and battleships but not at the same time. I have also really enjoyed the time in the Industrial Work Shop where I have been working with metal and wood. My Daddy was a carpenter and I love the smell and feel of wood.

My "pen rest" scheme was seriously compromised by the weather. Gale force winds and sideways rain meant that Petra had to be bundled into the barn and Chancer had to have his winter rug on. Petra appears to be much better - but she is on Bute. Chancer's wound is healing but very slowly. The vet is coming out this evening and we'll see what he thinks.

Last night, with wet hair and trousers, I went off to Steve Halfpenny at Quob. He seems to be a very pleasant guy and he worked in a calm and quiet way. By the end of the 2 hour session, the New Forest pony he was working with was accepting him laying over (and along!) her back. My only uneasiness is the use of a strongly swinging rope. He explained that he needs her to be able to accept changes in energy - yes, but not yet. As I have said before, I don't think it is fair to desensitize horses to things that they will be expected to be sensitive to in the future. As a lady called Ches, said to me - real gun, fake gun, real gun, fake gun - are you ever going to be relaxed about guns?

Vet visit latest: Tim was very pleased with Chancer's progress and said we could turn him out. Petra is definitely sound but will another week's pen rest just to make sure.