Only one month to go now before we fly out to Kenya and then Tanzania for the whole of July. Our itinerary will take us all over the place starting at Loisaba Lodge and ending in Arusha where we are going to meet up with our friend Kanuthi for a few days safari before we come home. Here's the plan:
Fly July 2nd
Spend 3rd at my house relaxing
4th up to Gilgil with me to meet Jo to go to Loisaba with her - a bit squashed in her car I'm afraid, but she'll fit you in!
4th - 12th Loisaba. She has 21 horses/ponies to work on, so lots to do I'm sure! I'll come up with kids 7th.
12th Drive home to Naivasha with me.
13th My horse and pony.
14th Lorian - she has about 12 horses I think, all ages.
15th Fiona. Only about 3 horses I think.
16th Sylvia - she has 3 kids and 3 ponies who are amazingly trained, Sylvia wants the kids trained too!
17th To other side of lake to see Gilly who has racehorses. Stay night with her.
18th To Lel. Only a couple of horses.
19th back to my side of the lake and to Donna who has 4 horses. Stay night with her - she's also on a game sanctuary, so lots of game.
Then you'll make it to Tanzania on 20th to stay with Caroline Blumer - pony camp there.
26th meet Kanuthi and go to safari camp.
So, we've got our visas including my work visa for Kenya. Julie and Sarah are lined up to look after the house and the horses. I have a full menu of jabs - meningitis, Hep B, tetanus, diptheria, polio and typhoid - to look forward to. The flight's booked with Virgin and I've told the IH office I'm away. Just need to get a load of cool clothes although I never look cool in them.
My diary is pretty booked up now through June so I'm having to look at August for clinics and non-emergencies. Good to have something to look forward to when I get back.
In the meantime, David has flown off to Cyprus for a week. He can practise doing things in the heat!