Sunday, December 18, 2011

18th December, 2011 We won't make the Olympics but...

One year on and Jack and I are getting fit again. This morning we ran together for 40 minutes across the Forest on the Seven Streams route. Save for the in the field where there is fresh grass to tempt him, he is usually loose. His stopwatch is a bit dodgy and he keeps stopping after 200 seconds, cutting me up and forcing me to go round him.

This time I have got the help of a fitness instructor who is a brilliant motivator. I've already lost some weight, gained some muscle and some energy. I've even bought the gear. Who knows, our plans for a sponsored run/walk across the New Forest may yet come to fruition but don't tell Sally or she will hold me to it. Once my face is less pink than my top, I may treat you to a picture of us at the end of a run.