Friday, January 20, 2023

Nature is not cruel, she is just indifferent (warning graphic images)

I was rather envious of Xanthe and David as they set off to view the Tana River, the crossing point into the Kora National Park. Kora was the final home of George Adamson and his assistant, Tony Fitzjohn, for the last twenty years of his life. Sadly George was killed here in 1973 and although it was soon gazetted as a National Park in 1990, it remained a place of banditry and poaching. As a result there is little of the big wildlife left, in marked contrast to Meru itself. 

The Nyambene Hills make a beautiful backdrop to Meru National Park.

The George Adamson Bridge wasn't built until the late 1980's...

..and when the river wasn't crossable, George's supplies were carried over to him by a simple zip wire.

This is the time to look away if you don't want to see nature in action. I'm not normally squeamish but neither do I get excited at the thought of watching a kill. Unfortunately for Xanthe and David, poor Pumba wasn't killed before he began to be eaten - lions don't apparently suffocate warthogs because of the danger of their sharp tusks.