Saturday, February 8, 2014

8th February, 2014 Hail and Hearty

We might be sick, sick, sick of the weather and sick, sick, sick of the mud but we're still getting some good stuff done. This morning Bella and Indy went hunting, or rather they didn't. The hunt went hunting and we went to look at all of their lorries. The ponies were completely unfazed even when one of the lorries had 'Dog Nosh' written on the front of it.

This afternoon it was off to see a horse that is very reluctant to move in the school. He's been working for the RDA in London for the last three years and is utterly bombproof out on the roads - fire engines can go past him with the sirens blaring without him batting an eyelid. However having given up any prey responses for good, and being taught that slowness is everything, he's finding it hard to go up the gears again now. I also think he is utterly bored in a school environment. We worked on developing a sense of purpose, excitement and fun so gave him targets to ride towards at different speeds of walk and then trot. By the end of the session he was going off the leg much more readily and even looking as if he might just be enjoying himself. I've suggested very short periods in the school - 15 minutes at the most - before going out for a nice bit of migrating.

"Hi Sarah. Thanks for all the information.  It was very interesting Saturday and I think we all learnt a lot. After being a pain to come in he was really good on ground today. Was even falling asleep on the yard!"JS

"Last week was a write off! I hacked out once on Mon and H went out Sat and that was it! But I do think he's improving on the ground already. Was determined to go in school today despite it getting wetter and wetter as I bought him in! Its the first time I've ever got him in without him stopping. He walked beautifully next to me! We only did 10 mins but got quite a few trots even into and through a square of poles! " JS