Tuesday, May 3, 2016

3rd May, 2016 Twizzlesticks

With the most minor of protests this morning, Paragon loaded consistently into the trailer.

 After a little bit of practice...

...the ramp was closed and he went on a very short journey. Hopefully he has now discovered that the front bar is padded much more to his satisfaction and will protect his chest. I would recommend this to anyone who uses a front facing trailer.

Email received 14.5.16: "I’m actually quite excited and have rushed in to the laptop. I had no trailer to play with last week so he had a week off it all. But the good news is, today he went properly out in it and seemed extremely calm about the experience. Hurrah. Adrian dropped me off and I rode home...it was a good loading experience and I have never driven so slow along these lanes – even a pushbike overtook us at one point! I so didn’t want to brake and have him land on that bar!!! Sarah, thank you very much for your expertise and what you’ve taught me. Very glad Steph and Amanda recommended you.  I think it has probably done a lot for my relationship with the horse regardless of the trailer aspect!" CO'S 
After lunch another session with Henrietta who is always more nervous when there is more than one person around. Nevertheless, she was groomed both sides...

...and had both back legs touched from the nearside.

Twizzle began his training today and started well. He was good to catch and he seemed to like being groomed too.

When Jack and Henry went off down the field, he started to pull back, paw the ground and to push into me with his left shoulder. I used elastic resistance to answer all of the questions he asked...

...and rewarded him with a clickered treat, coupled with a release in the line when he came back down to earth.

After that we had a lovely groundwork session asking him just to stand still...

...and to walk when I walked and stop when I stopped...

I think I'm going to enjoy working with him.