Thursday, August 20, 2009

20th August, 2009 Arresting experience

I've had a fun afternoon with the Wiltshire Police who came to Britford Livery Stables to gain some horse handling experience. The main aim was to talk to them about the horse's natural prey response in emergency situations and, if it were appropriate to approach the horse, how they might approach, catch and handle the horse from there on in. I was able to alert them to the Emergency Services Protocol which was drawn up initially by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service in conjunction with organisations such as the British Equine Veterinary Association, the British Horse Society and DEFRA. The lovely horse is called Spoticus.
E-mail from Kerry (Police Officer) to Gale:
Thank you so much for arranging for the input from Sarah- we all gained a lot from her, she really has an amazing way with horses. We all thoroughly enjoyed the training and found it valuable. Thank you also for the loan of your ponies for the training, field and offer for more practice for the attendees. You have a lovely friendly yard and must feel extremely proud.