Sunday, November 8, 2015

8th November, 2015 While The Cat's Away

The mice have all been excelling themselves...

I've been waiting for a perfect excuse to show this professional picture of Ami and Catherine who both look absolutely gorgeous in it.
"I thought i would share today's adventure with you. I promise you that the following is true and that I am not making this up: Ami and I were charged by an adult pig at dusk while a motorbike with big light on zoomed past us. Ami just stood and waited for his treat. Monsieur Beau Cheval indeed!" CF
And Jo's Darcy has been coping well with bicycles of another kind...
"First proper hack since I had my wipe out a few weeks ago and am slowly getting back to it! Best bit was the 8 bikes we saw today and D was a very good boy. Thanks Sarah we are doing better." JB
Miriam's sensitive foal has had her first headcollar on using the techniques in No Fear, No Force...

"Big breakthrough with miss Poison Ivy today! All foals are different and Ivy is extremely wary and naturally flighty. Small steps, patience and No Fear No Force got us here, with her happy and under no stress." MM
and Bertie, an older colt not only has his headcollar on but also has a plait in his forelock so that hands don't make him quite so nervous.

Meanwhile, Rumble has had his front feet trimmed for the very first time...
"Just an update, Rumble had his front feet trimmed on Friday with no problems at all .A long way off having the back ones but such a big step for Rumble." KB

A few days later from Kate W:
"I just really wanted to say thanks for your advice and posts and book! I am following No fear, No force, almost to the letter and today my new foal pretty much threw herself at me (in a good way!) and gave me one of the most uplifting and exhilarating experiences I have had! I actually shed a tear afterwards." KW