Tuesday, September 8, 2015

8th September, 2015 Water Works

A beautiful September Indian Summer day meant that we could work with Hamish and the umbrella without fear of being blown away and check out whether the water work that we did on the last occasion meant that Hamish would accept the hosepipe. He was fine and yet another good reminder that although we may have the key to unlock some problems, it's the horses that decide whether they are going to let you in. I am forever astounded at how much they let us do with them.

Meanwhile BB continues to take in information like the proverbial sponge, today learning how to long rein. I showed her owner, Kathryn, how to do the essential preparation exercises before setting off solo in the school.

"Fab session again yesterday, thank you so much." KB
Just time for a short session with Henrietta who proved that yesterday was not a fluke.