Thursday, August 28, 2014

28th August, 2014 Coming Adrift

As the Fritham Drift is due to take place tomorrow I have been looking out for my mares all week so that I could bring them in to avoid it. Unfortunately it rained all through the beginning of the week and with the abundance of water the ponies dispersed to more lush grazing areas and then apparently melted out of sight. Julie and I went on a long and ultimately pointless walk this morning to try and find Nelly and Blue. No one claimed to have seen them and although we had a couple of Snap! moments we just couldn't find them.


Not not mine!

Definitely not mine (but I wouldn't mind)
Never heard of them.
Then one of our regular visits to see Anna and to catch her for the farrier. Although we couldn't persuade her to smile she seemed to be very pleased to see us and to have some company. 


A quick call in to see Chancer just around the corner. He has been with his loaner for over a year now and it sounds like everything is going really well. He certainly looks very well - even a little bit fat which has got to be good news as we head towards the winter. Being stabled at night but with the freedon of a thirty acre field during the day seems to be doing him the power of good.

Julie,  founder member of his fan club