Saturday, October 4, 2014

4th October, 2014 No Fear No Force

At this time of year there are semi-feral foals being drifted and gathered across all of the wildest parts of the United Kingdom. Many will be finding their way to new homes through organisations such as the Dartmoor Pony Training Centre and H.O.P.E. All of the charities concerned with diverting these ponies from slaughter recommend my book for wild foals. Copies are available through my website at: Order my copy of No Fear No Force

"Fab book, always recommend it even for those with less wild ponies." Alison Greenwood

"For my horsey friends: highly recommended gentling method for wild or ungentled and/or traumatised horses and ponies." Gerda Versloot

"To all those Quantock foals about to go the sale, I hope your humans purchase and read this book and that you therefore never experience violence or are ever misunderstood. X" Bronwen Packham, IHRA

"Wouldn't have been without this book x" Gill Dixon

"Cant recommend this enough to new dhp mums + dads." Mary Houghton

"It's our bible at HOPE." Jane Bearder