Friday, February 5, 2016

5th February, 2016 A Place of Safety

The Fire and Rescue Service definition of a rescue is the removal of an animal from a place of danger to a place of safety by the most humane method. Often the place of safety is a greater issue than the place of danger given that a horse may need to recover over time while he comes round from sedation or anaesthesia, or be kept calm while traffic stacks up around him.

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service have bought a set of panels which will serve as this place of safety in many emergency situations, keeping the horse safe and allowing traffic and people to go about their business much more quickly. The Team now needs to buy a trailer which can carry these panels to the scene of an incident along with other emergency equipment.

A Crowdfunding page has been set up by me on behalf of the Friends of the Animal Rescue Team in order to raise funds for this trailer. If you have a horse, or indeed any large animal, then one day you may need the services of the Team. It would be great if you could make a donation towards the cost of purchasing a trailer for the Team knowing that it will help large animals and humans in the future. Everyday equipment for the Team is provided but this trailer goes over and above that general equipment (hopefully literally!)

The scenario above, this time in the West Midlands is the sort of situation in which a set of mobile panels, brought to the scene on a trailer, would be incredibly useful to keep the horse and the public safe.

To make a donation please follow this link: Friends of the Hampshire Animal Rescue Team TRAILER